75 años de fuerza: El compromiso de Aebi Schmidt Nederland con unas infraestructuras limpias y seguras
Este año, Aebi Schmidt Nederland celebra con orgullo su 75 aniversario. Este importante hito pone de relieve nuestro compromiso duradero de ofrecer soluciones inteligentes para municipios y proveedores de servicios centradas en la innovación, la sostenibilidad y las sólidas relaciones con clientes y socios. Para conmemorar esta ocasión especial, organizamos un evento memorable el 6 de junio de 2024 en nuestra sede local de Holten (Países Bajos).
Rijkswaterstaat uses up to 25% less salt with the "Route Manager"
Every country and region has its own challenges when it comes to fighting icy roads. However, the, safety of road users as well as drivers of winter maintenance vehicles is the first priority everywhere in the world. In many places today, the requirement to use vehicles and spreading materials in the most resource-saving way possible immediately follows in second place. The Route Manager from Aebi Schmidt is one of several instruments that contribute to the fulfilment of this requirement - also at Rijkswaterstaat.
Aebi Schmidt is coming to you!
The Aebi Schmidt Group has decided not to exhibit at IFAT in Munich and to come to you instead. On 20 and 21 June 2022, we will offer virtual presentations of our latest product and service developments, live and conveniently streamed on your screen, enabling you to follow those topics and demonstrations which are of interest to you.
Acerca de los ambiciosos planes de crecimiento de nuestro grupo
El CEO de Aebi Schmidt Group, Barend Fruithof, fue entrevistado en un artículo sobre Suiza distribuido recientemente en The New York Times. Fruithof explicó las ambiciones de crecimiento del grupo en general y en América del Norte en particular. Además, estuvo hablando de la transformación del modelo de negocio del Grupo, de ser una empresa fabricante de productos a convertirse en un proveedor de soluciones, ofreciendo contratos de servicio, conectividad basada en la digitalización y servicios postventa.
Fruit Growing: Digitalization gets drive
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Aebi Schmidt Germany is among the Innovation Leaders 2018
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Autonomous Driving in the Airport Sector
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Swiss Innovation Award goes to the Aebi TT Autonomous
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A drive lever without compromise
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En el camino hacia el net zero, más vale pensar en algo más que en la propulsión eléctrica.
Como parte del programa de conferencias de EUnited en la IFAT de Múnich de este año, Aebi Schmidt explicó al público interesado qué enfoques pueden utilizarse para alcanzar los ambiciosos objetivos de emisiones fijados en muchos lugares de forma más eficiente y sostenible. Ambas presentaciones tuvieron en común una conclusión quizá sorprendente: un enfoque holístico no sólo es más eficiente, sino también más barato.
Control integrado del camión y la barredora quitanieves: otro hito en el camino hacia las operaciones autónomas en los aeropuertos
El pasado miércoles, en la plataforma de Stuttgart, el Grupo Aebi Schmidt y Stuttgart Airport GmbH presentaron cómo es el futuro del mantenimiento invernal con vehículos y equipos de funcionamiento autónomo. El sistema, probado en el aeropuerto de Stuttgart, está totalmente integrado por primera vez.
Eficientes a la par que sostenibles
La ciudad de Murcia muestra cómo hacerlo realmente bien. Recientemente, han renovado toda su flota de limpieza viaria y recogida de basuras. El objetivo de la Ciudad es reducir las emisiones de CO2, ahorrar agua y aminorar la contaminación acústica. Asímismo, se ha fijado el objetivo de liderar el camino en la planificación eimplementación de sus servicios urbanos para los ciudadanos, visitantes y residentes en la ciudad, de una forma innovadora y sostenible. La gran profesionalidad de Ferrovial Servicios, las máquinas y servicios de Aebi Schmidt y las directrices del Ayuntamiento de Murcia juegan un papel fundamental para llevar a cabo este cometido.
Airport Professionals Rate Autonomous Driving As the Most Relevant Strategic Issue
Aebi Schmidt invited over 200 airport professionals from 38 countries to an experience day on Tuesday, 8 October. The focus was on presentations and discussions on the topics of «autonomous driving» and how operation processes can be made more efficient with the help of Data Management Solutions. A live survey among the participating experts also yielded surprising results.
Autonomous on the road with the TT211
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Charge the change
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Schmidt CJS-DI – Refined with your Ideas!
Interview with Development and Product Management Allow us to introduce the multifunctional jet sweeper which can also be used for de-icing. The concept from Schmidt sets new standards. The Schmidt CJS-DI is a compact jet sweeper with an additional mounted spreader/sprayer which can be customised to reflect your needs.
Manual or autonomous Driving
THE AUTONOMOUS DRIVING OPTION OF THE AEBI TERRATRAC SETS NEW STANDARDS 2016 marks not only the 40th anniversary of the Aebi Terratrac but also an innovation in the class of double-axle implement carriers. At the GaLaBau held in Nuremberg from 14 to 17 September, Aebi will be presenting the Terratrac with the “autonomous driving” option, setting new standards in terms of flexibility, economic efficiency and safety.
Comfortable to the finest Details
New Aebi Terratrac – Best workplace in its class. Promise! When will you let us convince you?
IntelliOPS helps keeping Düsseldorf’s roads clear of snow & ice in winter
AWISTA is part of a group of companies that provides municipal and commercial waste disposal and cleaning services from a single source in Düsseldorf and the surrounding area. We have talked with Udo Meyer, Operations Manager at AWISTA, to find out how IntelliOPS supports his day-to-day operations in winter maintenance. Keeping the road network free of snow and ice in winter is a challenging task every year. Professional and continuous use of data and digital applications makes planning and monitoring as well as documentation and reporting of the corresponding operations easier and safer. But how exactly?
Did you miss the Demo Days? No problem.
At the Demo Days, Aebi Schmidt presented the latest innovations, developments and solutions in the area of airport, sweeping, municipal technology, winter maintenance and more - online and live during two days. Did you miss the presentations? No problem, you can review the recordings of the presentations whenever convenient for you.
Autonomous Operations at the Airport: The Future Has Already Arrived Today
Autonomous operations at the airport not only save money. While autonomous systems increase efficiency, safety, occupational health and flexibility, they also lead to a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions. Our solution is not off-the-shelf, it can be tailored to the specific conditions at the individual airport. And because it allows to integrate not only our own vehicles and machines but also those of other brands, the investment risk is low. But the best thing is that the systems have been intensively tested and are already available today.
Winter service with additional tasks - In action for the best mobile phone network
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Ready for Takeoff
It’s all systems go as US airports prepare for the coming winter. Our colleagues in the US took part in two key events on the topic in June 2018.
Aebi Schmidt Nederland b.v. wins Smart Manufacturing Award
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If the Mowers drives without a Driver...
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Intelligent Technology that thinks for you
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