Street King 660: Probablemente la barredora más segura jamás montada
Aebi Schmidt UK anuncia ahora que su popular barredora sobre camión Schmidt Street King 660 es probablemente la barredora más segura jamás ensamblada. En colaboración con Volvo y SM UK, una de las empresas líderes del país en soluciones de seguridad para vehículos comerciales, la nueva barredora no sólo reduce los riesgos, sino que se centra realmente en la prevención de accidentes.
Schmidt Wasa 300+ impresiona durante la temporada de mantenimiento de primavera en Asker (Noruega)
Cuando Noruega se despierta de los largos meses de invierno en primavera, las zonas de tráfico se limpian de la grava esparcida durante el mantenimiento invernal. Tras una convincente temporada de pruebas con una máquina de segunda mano en 2023, Øvre Bakke Gård ha confiado esta tarea a una nueva barredora Schmidt Wasa 300⁺ en esta temporada.
75 años de fuerza: El compromiso de Aebi Schmidt Nederland con unas infraestructuras limpias y seguras
Este año, Aebi Schmidt Nederland celebra con orgullo su 75 aniversario. Este importante hito pone de relieve nuestro compromiso duradero de ofrecer soluciones inteligentes para municipios y proveedores de servicios centradas en la innovación, la sostenibilidad y las sólidas relaciones con clientes y socios. Para conmemorar esta ocasión especial, organizamos un evento memorable el 6 de junio de 2024 en nuestra sede local de Holten (Países Bajos).
Chasing Santa with the eCleango 550
Every year on 5 December, the town of Küssnacht am Rigi in Switzerland comes to a standstill. For the annual Klausjagen (Nicholas chase) festival, over 1,500 men parade through the town in central Switzerland with whips, bells, horns and colourful lanterns, known as ‘Iffelen’. Some 30,000 visitors flock to Küssnacht to watch the spectacle. This creates a lot of work for staff at the local road maintenance depot the following day. Aebi Schmidt has assisted the road maintenance team by providing three additional sweepers, including electric models Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ and Schmidt eCleango 550, to clean the streets after the major festival.
Street King 660 helps win extra business
Independent family-owned Shorts Group has been able to win extra business after adding two truck-mounted Schmidt Street King 660 sweepers to its hire fleet. Praise from operators, its efficiency driven configuration to help keeping costs down, tailormade accessories and training provided were among the main factors influencing the buying decision.
Making custom design the standard
Our close, longstanding partnerships with airports all over the world have taught us a great deal, not least that the needs of every airport are different. Of all the production lines within the group, airport equipment requires a particularly wide variety of custom designs. We take a look behind the scenes.
Barredoras remolcadas: Potentes, flexibles y asequibles
Las barredoras remolcadas pueden utilizarse fácilmente con diferentes vehículos de arrastre gracias a los sistemas de enganche variable. Poseen un alto rendimiento de barrido, y además funcionan de forma silenciosa, manejan grandes cantidades de suciedad incluso con grandes residuos y se caracterizan por unos costes de funcionamiento comparativamente bajos. Las ventajas sobre una barredora compacta o montada en un camión es que se amortizan rápidamente durante la explotación, tanto desde el punto de vista operativo como financiero.
Sweeping and Municipal Day in Inzing 2022: The Schmidt Flexigo 150 proofs that it lives up to its name
After a break of several years due to Corona, finally Aebi Schmidt Austria again invited to the Sweeping and Municipal Day at the Austrian headquarters in Inzing. Representatives of more than thirty municipalities and service providers accepted the invitation and were able to see for themselves the advantages of the machines and equipment in practical use. The Flexigo, listed with the BBG, was of particular interest - but not only!
Nueva Cleango 550 también con motor eléctrico
Con motivo de los Demo Days, Aebi Schmidt presentó el modelo sucesor completamente revisado de la popular barredora compacta Cleango. La Cleango 550 tiene un volumen de tolva un 10% mayor y está equipada con un eficiente y silencioso motor diesel Euro 6e. También la eCleango 550, ahora está disponible con motor eléctrico.
Soluciones inteligentes para un mayor confort de conducción, eficiencia y uso flexible
Actualmente, la mayoría de los usuarios esperan de sus máquinas algo más que un excelente rendimiento de barrido. Se demandan máquinas preparadas para el futuro, de uso flexible, que ofrezcan un gran confort en la conducción, así como criterios de sostenibilidad y respeto al medio ambiente. Descubra aquí lo que esto significa para el desarrollo y la gestión de nuestros productos y qué opinan los clientes al respecto.
Street King 660: ahora también disponible con accionamiento hidrostático
Con el nuevo concepto de accionamiento hidrostático opcional, la máquina ofrece ahora un control aún más cómodo durante toda la operación de barrido y permite una regulación gradual de la velocidad de marcha en un rango de 0 a 25 km/h aproximadamente.
La gama de implementos acoplados para la Flexigo 150 de Schmidt está en continuo crecimiento
La todoterreno más pequeña de la familia de barredoras Schmidt combina unas excelentes características de barrido y una elevada carga útil con las ventajas de un portaimplementos multifuncional. El sistema de cambio rápido integrado facilita el cambio entre los numerosos implementos de acople y montaje.
How Sweden prepares for winter
The Wasa 300⁺ is a firm favourite for cleaning large areas in industrial and port zones and for cleaning heavily soiled roads in small towns and communities. It can comfortably handle big jobs thanks to its large container and tank volume and prevents fine dust particles from escaping into the air thanks to its mechanical dirt absorber. Furat Kadhem, supervisor at Vemmab AB, an organisation based in Västerås (Sweden), is also a big fan.
Southampton City Council sees electrifying results from eSwingo 200⁺
Southampton City Council is seeing electrifying results from its fleet of four new all-electric eSwingo 200⁺ compact sweepers from Aebi Schmidt UK which are making a vital contribution to meeting the Council’s environmental objectives under its Greener City Charter.
Eficientes a la par que sostenibles
La ciudad de Murcia muestra cómo hacerlo realmente bien. Recientemente, han renovado toda su flota de limpieza viaria y recogida de basuras. El objetivo de la Ciudad es reducir las emisiones de CO2, ahorrar agua y aminorar la contaminación acústica. Asímismo, se ha fijado el objetivo de liderar el camino en la planificación eimplementación de sus servicios urbanos para los ciudadanos, visitantes y residentes en la ciudad, de una forma innovadora y sostenible. La gran profesionalidad de Ferrovial Servicios, las máquinas y servicios de Aebi Schmidt y las directrices del Ayuntamiento de Murcia juegan un papel fundamental para llevar a cabo este cometido.
Schmidt MSH - the User and Resident Friendly Sweeper in Tight Spaces
The Schmidt MSH towed sweeper is one of the most popular machines in the range of Bengt Bergs Maskinservice AB in Partille, a suburb of Gothenburg in Sweden. Small and compact, easy to operate and extremely manoeuvrable, it is popular for use in tight spaces in densely populated residential and urban areas – not least because of its low noise level.
Flexigo 150 at the Largest Service Provider in Berlin/Brandenburg
With its 600 employees and 250 vehicles, FAM Hausmeister Dienste GmbH is the largest cleaning service provider in Berlin/Brandenburg. Here you can find out which machines FAM uses and what role the Aebi Schmidt Group plays.
New Vehicles and a Special Mission - in Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Lithuania and Sweden
In the past weeks, the daily business continued in many cities, communities and also at airports, even under difficult conditions. In some places, Swingo, eSwingo, Cleango, SK 660 and TJS are ensuring that everyday tasks can now be performed even more efficiently. Here are four examples and one report on a special mission.
eSwingo 200+ improves Performance also at Airports
Düsseldorf Airport tested the fully electric eSwingo 200⁺ for around a week. Thanks to the positive results, there are now plans to purchase a machine. The airport wrote in its press release: «Electric Mobility is an important element in Düsseldorf Airport’s sustainability strategy.» But a compact sweeper at the airport? We asked the airport managers to explain what role the machine can play in an environment that is generally dominated by large sweepers.
Schmidt Sweepers Worked Like Champions at ESAF 2019
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Aebi Schmidt Group at Reinigingsdemodagen in Soest (NL)
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Aebi Schmidt launches multifunctional Flexigo 150 compact sweeper
THE COMPACT LIGHTWEIGHT OF THE 1.5 M³ CLASS COMPLETES THE SWEEPER RANGE With the Flexigo 150 – a new, multifunctional compact sweeper – Aebi Schmidt adds a compact and lightweight machine to its range. The new addition combines exceptional sweeping features and a high payload with the benefits of a multifunctional implement carrier and offers municipalities or service providers an economically viable addition to their fleet. As well as its sweeper function, the 1.5 m³ hopper allows additional attachments to be used, such as a scrub deck, mowing-suction combination, snow plough and other auxiliary spreaders, meaning that it can be used all year round. Articulated steering allows for easy turning and manoeuvring – even in confined spaces. A class B driving license is sufficient to operate this machine, which increases flexibility when planning personnel deployment. This is possible as its total weight is no more than the maximum of 3.5 tonnes. The driver benefits from intuitive single-handed operation, ergonomic controls and a newly designed, generously glazed panorama cab, with the best all-round visibility in its class.
Street cleaning Bemen relies on equipment from Schmidt
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Successfull fair appearance ath the IEC Expo
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Street King 660 impresses in Asisa
MODULAR CONCEPT AND HIGH QUALITY WIN OVER CLIENTS IN INDONESIA The Street King 660 shows what a successful collaboration between German and Asian engineers looks like. Fitted to a Mercedes Axor truck, four vehicles have been in use since mid-2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The highlight: the modular concept and self-supporting frame offer a high degree of flexibility and nearly unlimited combinations with carrier vehicles from a wide range of brands. Most of the sweeper was assembled at the St. Blasien factory; further assembly and the final installation took place locally. Together with a local automotive engineer and Aebi Schmidt service specialists, PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera, Aebi Schmidt’s sales partner in Indonesia, built an operational vehicle adapted to meet the requirements of our Asian clients within a very short time frame.
Swingo in University Campus clean-up!
One of the UK's largest universities has opted for the Swingo 200+ compact sweeper to ensure its 32,000 students can enjoy its 56-acre campus in a clean and tidy condition, following a major evaluation involving several rival machines.
The Dreamteam
Fareham Borough Council is using our Street King 660 and Swingo 200+ sweeper combination to keep its borough clean and tidy.
Pioneering Sustainability – The City of Thum puts its trust in the sSwingo 200+
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Predicate "Super clean"
The Swingo 200+ impresses the municipalities of Oerlinghausen and Leopoldshöhe.
Schmidt TJS 630-C. Immediately delivered, immediately tested
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Air Force Kenya: Because cleanliness is crucial
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Schmidt launches first fully electric Sweeper
PREMIERE OF ESWINGO 200+ AT IFAT 2018 Not only does the eSwingo 200+ clean up perfectly, but it is also clean itself. The new compact sweeper from Schmidt operates entirely on electric power without generating any emissions, making it not just one of the cleanest compact sweepers available on the market but also one of the most cost-competitive. Over its life cycle, the costs of the eSwingo 200+ are on par with those of the diesel version, thanks to lower energy and maintenance costs and a longer amortisation period. So, not only does the eSwingo 200+ benefit the environment, it also benefits the bottom line. The ASH Group has developed the Generation E concept to offer both municipal authorities and private service providers not only sustainable cutting-edge technology, but also an inclusive package covering all the service, maintenance and performance needs of the new all-electric model. Examples include a compatible charging station with a monitoring function; a GPS-based telematics solution to boost performance and optimise route planning; and expert advice on all aspects of infrastructure, energy demand, maintenance concepts and fleet set-up. Customers don’t need to worry about battery life as all battery servicing and diagnostics are provided by the ASH Group, while any used batteries can be returned and recycled free of charge. The new eSwingo 200+ will make its first public appearance from 14 – 18 May 2018 at the IFAT trade fair in Munich on the ASH Group stand in the open-air section 709/15.
Small Team with big impact
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Victory at the US “Sweeping Rodeo” goes to Black Forest
ASH Group took part at first sweeping roundup held by WSA
"Nuestro objetivo es seguir aumentando nuestro negocio en EE.UU. entre un 10 y un 15% más".
En una publicación adjunta al New York Times, el Brussels Research Group describe a Suiza como la economía más innovadora del mundo y destaca diversos aspectos e industrias. En una entrevista, nuestro CEO del Grupo, Barend Fruithof, explica los factores que han llevado al crecimiento de nuestro Grupo y cómo el Grupo Aebi Schmidt pretende seguir creciendo en Norteamérica.
Una máquina en servicio para más de 1.500 millones de pasajeros al año
Cada día, en los aeropuertos de todo el mundo, innumerables equipos se aseguran de que podamos despegar y aterrizar de forma segura y fiable. Una planificación y preparación minuciosas son cruciales para dominar con éxito las situaciones a menudo impredecibles de los aeropuertos. Nuestra barredora de alto rendimiento Schmidt AS 990 también desempeña un papel decisivo en esta labor. Desde 2002, hemos fabricado y entregado más de 500 de estas máquinas a nuestros socios y clientes de todo el mundo. Esta impresionante cifra nos ha inspirado para llevar a cabo un pequeño experimento mental.
Extraordinariamente innovadora - La Schmidt eCleango 550 gana el Premio Alemán a la Innovación 2024
La Schmidt eCleango 550 ha sido galardonada como "Ganadora" en la categoría "Excelencia en Business to Business - Tecnologías de Automoción" del Premio Alemán a la Innovación 2024. El jurado de expertos quedó especialmente impresionado por la batería modular de alto voltaje y el moderno diseño de la cabina del conductor.
La 7777.a barredora compacta Swingo sale de la fábrica de St. Blasien
«Siempre es un momento bonito cuando las máquinas salen de la fábrica», dice Thomas Berger, CEO de Aebi Schmidt Deutschland GmbH y director de la fábrica de St. Blasien, donde comenzó la historia de éxito de la Swingo hace más de 20 años. Nuestro equipo Swingo ha celebrado hace poco un momento muy especial: la entrega de la Swingo número 7777. Vamos a echar un vistazo a la planta de montaje y a unirnos a la celebración.
USA: Clean Streets are getting electrified
This is the headline of the cover story of “The Municipal,” a leading magazine for America's municipalities. The article examines how Germany-based Schmidt utilized engineering expertise to design innovative sweeper technology, and introduce it in a fully electric model also suitable for cities and municipalities in the USA.
Maximum efficiency thanks to one carrier vehicle for summer & winter maintenance
Maintaining 1.000.000 m² in the city of Tartu, EKT Teed OÜ decided to add new equipment to its fleet last year. Looking back, the contractor is sure to have made the right choice in order to maintain the area 24/7, 365 days a year. And, it was not only the Street King’s features that impressed, but also the possibility of buying single source, service included.
Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ all-electric compact sweeper wins Award for Excellence in Innovation at RWM Birmingham 2022
The noiseless and carbon-free cleaning Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ is proving popular with local authorities and as well as with industry experts. The eSwingo has won the Award for Excellence in Innovation at this year’s RWM and Let’s Recycle show in Birmingham (UK).
Barrer (y más) sin dolor de espalda
¿Pasa la mayor parte de su jornada laboral en un vehículo y se siente agotado al final del día? La fisioterapeuta Kathrin Kamm le muestra la posición óptima al sentarse para que el dolor de espalda o la tensión en el cuello sean cosa del pasado.
Peterborough City Council adds five new Swingo 200⁺ compact sweepers to its Streetcare fleet
Peterborough City Council has purchased five new Swingo 200⁺ compact sweepers from Aebi Schmidt for its 10-strong Streetcare sweeper fleet. Operator feedback has been very positive and even with a conventional Euro 6 engine and supported by intelligent digital solutions, greenhouse gas emissions can by reduced by 90%.
Aebi Schmidt is coming to you!
The Aebi Schmidt Group has decided not to exhibit at IFAT in Munich and to come to you instead. On 20 and 21 June 2022, we will offer virtual presentations of our latest product and service developments, live and conveniently streamed on your screen, enabling you to follow those topics and demonstrations which are of interest to you.
eSwingo 200⁺: potente y con bajo nivel de ruido
Nuestra eSwingo 200⁺, de accionamiento totalmente eléctrico, no solo reduce las emisiones de CO2 notablemente, sino también las emisiones de ruido. Esto resulta muy conveniente tanto para el vecindario como para los conductores de las máquinas, que también podrán beneficiarse de las otras ventajas que aporta un puesto de trabajo de diseño ergonómico.
MB and Schmidt awarded Sourcewell Contract in North America
National cooperative purchasing organization enables members to procure MB Pavement Marking and Attachments equipment, as well as Schmidt Sweepers, more efficiently.
Cuando las máquinas ofrecen un rendimiento impresionante pero sigues sintiéndote muy pequeño
Iván Bedón tiene 53 años, es mecánico de formación e Ingeniero de Campo en Aebi Schmidt Ibérica. Para nuestros clientes, es responsable del servicio y mantenimiento de máquinas y equipos. Recientemente, fue llamado al aeropuerto de La Palma, en la isla del mismo nombre, donde el volcán Cumbre Vieja lleva más de 50 días arrojando humo, ceniza y lava al aire a intervalos regulares. Afortunadamente, el volcán aún no se ha cobrado ninguna vida, pero la destrucción y el sufrimiento de los isleños son graves. Aunque los técnicos sobre el terreno, como Iván, tienen experiencia en situaciones especiales, no es habitual que se les llame a una zona así.
BBG listing: Ensuring clean and cleared streets, squares and pavements is now easier in Austria!
Bundesbeschaffung GmbH now also has the Schmidt Flexigo 150 in its range. The smallest all-rounder from the Schmidt sweeper family is distinguished by its comfortable articulated steering and high payload, among other features. It effortlessly cleans streets, pavements, pedestrian zones and narrow alleys. It is also flexible in terms of personnel deployment: it can be driven with an EU class B driving licence.
Schmidt Flexigo 150 - the Smallest, Manoeuvrable All-Rounder that Can Be Used All Year Round
Narrow paths wind through the densely overgrown hilly forest to one of Switzerland's most popular excursion destinations: the legendary lake named Blausee (literally translated: blue lake), shimmering crystal clear in all shades of blue. On sunny holidays and weekends, the 20-hectare wooded nature park with walking paths, picnic areas and fireplaces is visited by up to 3,000 tourists. "A challenge for the maintenance of the park, but one that has been well managed since the beginning of the year," says Michael Linder, responsible for park and maintenance at Blausee AG.
The Sweeper: A Machine with Numerous Fields of Application
Sweepers are versatile, flexible and effective. Companies, municipalities and other organisations use them. The technology is used in street and pavement cleaning as well as for many other tasks. The requirements for sweepers could hardly be more different. This depends on the size of the area to be cleaned, the type of soiling and other factors. This is where we from the Aebi Schmidt Group come into play. With our broad portfolio of sweepers, we have the right solution for your problem - for sure!
Chicago Relies on MB3 High Speed Runway Brooms
The Chicago O’Hare winter operations team is a multiple award winner for outstanding achievement in airport snow and ice control. From now on, the team can also rely on MB equipment and technology. Alan Luke, Regional Sales Manager for MB Companies, explains the challenges at an airport which is exposed more than others to snow and ice.
Disinfect Instead of Clean. Does That Work?
In the past days, some cities have decided to disinfect so-called “hot spots” such as bus stops in the fight against COVID-19. Under what conditions and with what risks in terms of material compatibility can disinfectants be used in a sweeper, washer or sprayer? We checked with our experts.
eSwingo 200+ Convinces Dutch Customers
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Update: eSwingo goes Thun – watch our video about the 191km journey of the electric sweeper eSwingo 200+
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I’m saving 158 kg of CO₂ every day. How about you?
The eSwingo 200⁺electric sweeper at work during the International Conference on Climate Action
Swingo 200+ - out of conviction
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Ms Kessler makes a clean sweep
Battling weeds with the Cleango 500
CJS-DI on Tour
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Please do not feed...
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Seven Swingos for seven towns
When you have all the highways and byways of seven major towns to sweep clean on a daily basis, the answer is patently obvious - a fleet of seven Swingo 200+ compact sweepers, one for each town!
Cleaning the Sink can be trouble, but dosen't have to...
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Sweeping fleet on Mallorca keep growing: 12 new Swingo 200+ for Emaya
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Schmidt eSwingo 200+
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Hitting the road with the 'little cleaning beasts'
TWO CLEANGO 500 SWEEPERS KEEP LUCERNE’S ROADS CLEAN Carnival in Lucerne is a one-of-a-kind spectacle. The historical town on the banks of Lake Lucerne transforms into a bubbling cauldron of jesters and clowns. As one of the largest Carnival events in Switzerland, the annual festival welcomes up to 40,000 visitors to the narrow alleys of the old town. It’s the time to shine for the ‘Putzüüfeli’ (‘little cleaning beasts’), as the sweepers here are affectionately called. Together with four other sweepers from the Swingo series, these two monsters in the 4 m³ class from Aebi Schmidt took the rear of the parades on Fat Thursday and Carnival Monday. Up to 110 tonnes of refuse and confetti were sucked up by the machines over the five days of Carnival.
Schmidt Swingo 200+ again first choice with customers
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Palma de Mallorca once again opts for sweepers made in St. Blasien
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Smart City relies on sweeping Technology from Schmidt
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Barriendo hacia el Net Zero: Islington incorpora otra barredora de emisiones cero a su flota
Londres, capital de Reunido, se compone de diferentes distritos que conforman esta ciudad. Islington es el segundo más pequeño de estos distritos y cuenta con más de 200.000 habitantes. Recientemente, el Ayuntamiento de Islington ha incorporado otra barredora compacta Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ totalmente eléctrica a su creciente flota eléctrica, como parte de su compromiso de alcanzar su objetivo de emisiones netas de carbono cero dentro de seis años. Conozca aquí más detalles sobre el enfoque del Ayuntamiento y por qué sus conductores adoran nuestras eSwingo.
Consejo de Distrito de South Cambs: El funcionamiento eléctrico reduce la fatiga del conductor
Aebi Schmidt y South Cambs District Council's Fleet and Asset Management mantienen una excelente relación desde hace casi 25 años. El distrito ha estado a la vanguardia de las iniciativas medioambientales, y nuestra barredora compacta eSwingo encaja perfectamente con sus ambicione. Además, su conductor confirma lo menos cansado que está al final de un turno en una eSwingo.
Seattle’s Department of Transportation Moving Toward Zero Emissions
As part of its overall goal to replace carbon emitting vehicles with zero-emission alternatives, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) chose the Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ for its eBroomer Pilot Program. The eSwingo 200⁺, a fully electric compact sweeper was chosen for the test because of its ability to sweep the city’s protected bike lanes (PBL), which are 5 feet wide. Seattle’s electrification pilot program began in 2023 and will run through 2024, giving the city the opportunity to test a variety of electric vehicle equipment.
¿Son los equipos y los vehículos para todas las estaciones el nuevo patrón de oro?
El gobierno del Tirol utiliza esparcidores tanto en verano como en invierno. Por su parte, el proveedor de servicios estonio EKT Teed OÜ confía en un vehículo multiusos con un sistema intercambiable que puede utilizarse todo el año. ¿Serán pronto todas nuestras máquinas polivalentes y utilizables todo el año? Hablamos con Henning Schröder, Jefe de Tecnología del Grupo, y Gerhard Neudorfer, Jefe de Ventas para Europa.
No discernible loss of payload after switching to electric power
Carbon-free commitments of Councils across the UK come with an increased demand for electric sweepers. Some councils are using the momentum to assess different machines before making a long-term decision. Here’s an initial feedback from Islington Council’s drivers on the Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ fully electric compact sweeper.
Green Sweeping Crosses the Pond
Efforts across the U.S. to advance fuel-saving technologies and to the adoption of electric commercial vehicles and fleets are increasing. The eSwingo 200⁺ pays for itself over its lifespan, with up to 85% of energy costs and up to 70% of maintenance costs to be saved compared to sweepers with a diesel engine. No wonder its popularity in the U.S. is growing. In less than a year, it’s been on dozens of demos and is being sold through a rapidly growing dealer network.
Nottingham City Council aims for carbon neutral target with seven new Schmidt eSwingos
Nottingham City Council has ordered seven fully electric Schmidt eSwingo compact sweepers as it works towards its target of becoming the UK’s first carbon neutral city. The Council has set a deadline of 2028 to achieve its net zero goal and sees the seven sweepers as an integral part of its carbon-free street cleansing plans.
Did you miss the Demo Days? No problem.
At the Demo Days, Aebi Schmidt presented the latest innovations, developments and solutions in the area of airport, sweeping, municipal technology, winter maintenance and more - online and live during two days. Did you miss the presentations? No problem, you can review the recordings of the presentations whenever convenient for you.
¿Han demostrado las barredoras de accionamiento eléctrico su eficacia en la práctica?
¿Qué tienen en común Palma de Mallorca, Southampton y Gstaad? Si consideramos el número de habitantes, los tres municipios no podrían ser más diferentes. Sin embargo, todos tienen algo en común: en los tres se usa hace bastante tiempo la eSwingo 200⁺, de accionamiento totalmente eléctrico. ¿Ha demostrado esta barredora su eficacia en comparación con el modelo de funcionamiento convencional? Hemos planteado esta pregunta a las personas que conocen la respuesta.
Aebi Schmidt, Parte de la estrategia de sostenibilidad ambiental Madrid 360
Madrid tiene un plan: aire limpio para todos. Para 2025, toda la ciudad será declarada gradualmente zona de protección medioambiental. Con seis nuevos contratos de servicios de limpieza en espacios públicos, Aebi Schmidt contribuye a la nueva imagen.
From winter to summer set-up in just a few hours
Wouldn't it be practical if you could use the same truck for winter and summer maintenance and only change the mounted construction? And to do this very simply and efficiently? That's exactly where the Schmidt Street King 660 comes into play.
Madrid composta las hojas recogidas
Con su programa "Madrid 360", la capital persigue el objetivo de convertirse en una ciudad sostenible o en la llamada zona medioambiental para 2025. Quiere conseguirlo con diversas medidas. Una de ellas es que las hojas recogidas ahora en otoño se lleven a una planta de compostaje para utilizarlas después como abono para los más de 3.000 parques de la ciudad.
The Street King 660 takes North America
In autumn 2020, the Aebi Schmidt Group acquired the Canadian company Equipements Lourds Papineau Inc. (ELP) – an acquisition continuing the consistent implementation of the group’s growth strategy, as ELP is a leading manufacturer of winter operation equipment in Quebec. Now – somewhat later than planned, due to the coronavirus – the sales and service staff of Aebi Schmidt Canada Inc. and ELP are getting to know one another in person during training for the introduction of the Street King 660 to Canada.
Denmark Goes Green: Takeaways from Have&Landskab
Have&Landskab in Slagelse (DK), Scandinavia’s largest garden and landscape fair, took place from August 25 to 17, 2021 and attracted around 10,220 visitors despite the pandemic-related circumstances. The fair is aimed at professionals in the design, construction and maintenance of streets, parks and other green spaces. Jesper Buch, Manager Sales & Service Aebi Schmidt Denmark, reports on his experience at the fair.
Equipped with Attachments for a Wide Range of Applications
For customers in the municipal sector, the Aebi Schmidt Group offers appropriate sweepers in different versions. They are suitable for professional users who are looking for a cost-efficient year-round solution. However, many users also want to purchase a machine that does more than just sweep. This is where the multifunctional concept in combination with attachments comes into play.
Cuando una mayor seguridad equivale con un aumento de la productividad
El Ayuntamiento de Worcester ha incorporado nuevas características de seguridad en tres nuevas barredoras Schmidt que ha sumado a su flota municipal para aumentar la seguridad del conductor y aumentar la productividad. Conozca aquí cómo Kevin McFeeley, gerente de operaciones ambientales, explica el planteamiento que hay detrás de la nueva iniciativa.
Lauchringen Expands Its Fleet with a Flexigo
With the construction of the Riedpark, the municipality of Lauchringen is growing and with it the area to be cultivated. Not only does the Flexigo support the town operations center year-round, but also offers an ergonomically certified workplace. The municipality tells us here why they chose the Flexigo.
Heidelberg Sets a Good Example
We have already reported that Heidelberg was the first German city to order an eSwingo 200+. The city hosted the International Conference for Climate Action in May this year and is pursuing a significant number of initiatives in the field of environment and sustainability. For example, the city administration intends to gradually convert its vehicle fleet to zero-emission vehicles. Since mid-September, an eSwingo 200+ has also been contributing to this goal.
Testing the eSwingo 200+’s Endurance: The City of Thun Is Won Over by the Electric Sweeper
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Aebi Schmidt delivers the first fully electric sweeper to the city of Thun – in a rather unusual way
For decades, the Swingo models have been among the most popular and reliable sweepers when it comes to efficient and convenient sweeping in urban areas. Now Aebi Schmidt is offering a fully electric model under the name. The eSwingo 200+ works quietly and emission-free for up to 10 hours on a single battery charge. The first model recently made its way from the factory in St. Blasien in the Black Forest to the Swiss city of Thun – an epic journey!
Once Swingo, always Swingo
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Swingo 200+ SKR for city cleaning Bremen
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New Cleango, Swingo and CityJet sweepers for the autonomous city of Melilla
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Exclusively Schmidt – Two new Sweepers join the heavy fleet at Dublin Airport
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When Irish eyes are smiling
Belfast City Council employs a fleet of more than 30 Swingo 200+ compact sweepers, by far the largest in the province and one of the largest in the UK.
New Swingo 200+ for Bludenz
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Heidelberg welcomes its first eSwingo 200+
The City Cleaning Department puts its trust in Schmidt's electric sweeper.
Swept away by the Biannual Training event - 40 years "Fahrertagung"
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Premiere for out eSwingo 200+ on IFAT
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City of Aarau opts for 2 M3 and 4 M3 Sweepers from Aebi Schmidt
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Schmidt Swingo 200+ For the City of Blomberg
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In Action for clean roads
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Visibility means safety
LIGHT UP THE DARK SEASON WHEN SWEEPING Autumn is approaching at an increasing pace. And it will bring with it plenty of gloomy days, fog or darkness when working early in the morning and from the late afternoon onwards. One thing then becomes particularly important: to see and be seen with good visibility. Optimum illumination of the working environment not only helps the driver to identify dirt, obstacles or people better and more quickly. Other road users also become aware of the sweeper at a much earlier stage. These seconds can be crucial.