"Nuestro objetivo es seguir aumentando nuestro negocio en EE.UU. entre un 10 y un 15% más".
En una publicación adjunta al New York Times, el Brussels Research Group describe a Suiza como la economía más innovadora del mundo y destaca diversos aspectos e industrias. En una entrevista, nuestro CEO del Grupo, Barend Fruithof, explica los factores que han llevado al crecimiento de nuestro Grupo y cómo el Grupo Aebi Schmidt pretende seguir creciendo en Norteamérica.
75 años de fuerza: El compromiso de Aebi Schmidt Nederland con unas infraestructuras limpias y seguras
Este año, Aebi Schmidt Nederland celebra con orgullo su 75 aniversario. Este importante hito pone de relieve nuestro compromiso duradero de ofrecer soluciones inteligentes para municipios y proveedores de servicios centradas en la innovación, la sostenibilidad y las sólidas relaciones con clientes y socios. Para conmemorar esta ocasión especial, organizamos un evento memorable el 6 de junio de 2024 en nuestra sede local de Holten (Países Bajos).
Cuando cae un rayo: El Ford F-150 Lightning totalmente eléctrico
Los vehículos eléctricos han ido ganando popularidad en los últimos años a medida que se ampliaba la infraestructura de recarga y se fabricaban nuevos vehículos eléctricos. Ford anunció en 2022 que entraría en el ruedo de los vehículos eléctricos con el Ford F-150 Lightning, una versión totalmente eléctrica del F-150. Fue el primer pick-up eléctrico de tamaño completo en el mercado. Fue la primera camioneta EV de tamaño completo en el mercado, y aunque no es tan potente como una F-150 de gasolina, tiene algunos beneficios increíbles que solo mejorarán con el tiempo y la tecnología. ¿Tienes curiosidad por saber cómo se comporta un pick-up eléctrico frente a su gemelo de gasolina?
USA: Clean Streets are getting electrified
This is the headline of the cover story of “The Municipal,” a leading magazine for America's municipalities. The article examines how Germany-based Schmidt utilized engineering expertise to design innovative sweeper technology, and introduce it in a fully electric model also suitable for cities and municipalities in the USA.
Electro-hydraulic eSyntos prototype passes endurance test
The feedback following tests with the prototype of an electric-hydraulic eSyntos spreader in a municipality in the Netherlands was so promising that the machine is now starting series production.
Aebi Schmidt is coming to you!
The Aebi Schmidt Group has decided not to exhibit at IFAT in Munich and to come to you instead. On 20 and 21 June 2022, we will offer virtual presentations of our latest product and service developments, live and conveniently streamed on your screen, enabling you to follow those topics and demonstrations which are of interest to you.
Eficientes a la par que sostenibles
La ciudad de Murcia muestra cómo hacerlo realmente bien. Recientemente, han renovado toda su flota de limpieza viaria y recogida de basuras. El objetivo de la Ciudad es reducir las emisiones de CO2, ahorrar agua y aminorar la contaminación acústica. Asímismo, se ha fijado el objetivo de liderar el camino en la planificación eimplementación de sus servicios urbanos para los ciudadanos, visitantes y residentes en la ciudad, de una forma innovadora y sostenible. La gran profesionalidad de Ferrovial Servicios, las máquinas y servicios de Aebi Schmidt y las directrices del Ayuntamiento de Murcia juegan un papel fundamental para llevar a cabo este cometido.
Aebi - a “Bundle of Energy” in Many Respects
Since the beginning of the year, an fully electric driven Aebi eVT450 prototype has been driving in Stoos (Switzerland). Driving cheaper, emission-free and without compromising performance in agriculture as well as in private and public services is one thing. The other is to ensure that the electricity comes sufficiently and constantly out of the socket. Energy companies are working on this every day. All applications require large payloads and individual equipment options, both electrically and conventionally driven.
eSwingo 200+ Convinces Dutch Customers
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Aebi Schmidt delivers the first fully electric sweeper to the city of Thun – in a rather unusual way
For decades, the Swingo models have been among the most popular and reliable sweepers when it comes to efficient and convenient sweeping in urban areas. Now Aebi Schmidt is offering a fully electric model under the name. The eSwingo 200+ works quietly and emission-free for up to 10 hours on a single battery charge. The first model recently made its way from the factory in St. Blasien in the Black Forest to the Swiss city of Thun – an epic journey!
Under power on the race track - Aebi EC170 in Adelboden
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Aebi Schmidt Germany is among the Innovation Leaders 2018
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Premiere for out eSwingo 200+ on IFAT
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Testing the new Aebi EC170
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Barriendo hacia el Net Zero: Islington incorpora otra barredora de emisiones cero a su flota
Londres, capital de Reunido, se compone de diferentes distritos que conforman esta ciudad. Islington es el segundo más pequeño de estos distritos y cuenta con más de 200.000 habitantes. Recientemente, el Ayuntamiento de Islington ha incorporado otra barredora compacta Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ totalmente eléctrica a su creciente flota eléctrica, como parte de su compromiso de alcanzar su objetivo de emisiones netas de carbono cero dentro de seis años. Conozca aquí más detalles sobre el enfoque del Ayuntamiento y por qué sus conductores adoran nuestras eSwingo.
En el camino hacia el net zero, más vale pensar en algo más que en la propulsión eléctrica.
Como parte del programa de conferencias de EUnited en la IFAT de Múnich de este año, Aebi Schmidt explicó al público interesado qué enfoques pueden utilizarse para alcanzar los ambiciosos objetivos de emisiones fijados en muchos lugares de forma más eficiente y sostenible. Ambas presentaciones tuvieron en común una conclusión quizá sorprendente: un enfoque holístico no sólo es más eficiente, sino también más barato.
Alliant Energy’s Electrifying Future
The EV, or electric vehicle, is quickly becoming more popular with consumers and companies alike as charging infrastructure and improvements to battery life rapidly improve. Alliant Energy, a Midwestern electric utility company operating out of Madison, Wisconsin, is one of the pioneers committed to electrification by transitioning their technologies away from fossil fuels and towards electricity. Many benefits come with electrification, like saving money, creating a clean and healthy environment with reduced emissions, and reducing maintenance costs.
Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ all-electric compact sweeper wins Award for Excellence in Innovation at RWM Birmingham 2022
The noiseless and carbon-free cleaning Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ is proving popular with local authorities and as well as with industry experts. The eSwingo has won the Award for Excellence in Innovation at this year’s RWM and Let’s Recycle show in Birmingham (UK).
Sostenibles también en la producción
Nuestras barredoras compactas se fabrican en St. Blasien (Alemania) y en Burgdorf (Suiza). Ambas plantas obtienen el 100 % de su electricidad a partir de fuentes de energía totalmente renovables. Pero la sostenibilidad también desempeña un papel importante en la elección de los materiales y los componentes. ¿Cuál cree usted que es el porcentaje que se puede reciclar de una barredora compacta al final de su vida útil?
Southampton City Council sees electrifying results from eSwingo 200⁺
Southampton City Council is seeing electrifying results from its fleet of four new all-electric eSwingo 200⁺ compact sweepers from Aebi Schmidt UK which are making a vital contribution to meeting the Council’s environmental objectives under its Greener City Charter.
Generation E Meets ClimateVision30
Yesterday, we had the pleasure to hand over a fully electric Aebi eVT450 transporter to the town of Burgdorf (Switzerland). In cooperation with the city’s construction department, we are now testing its suitability for everyday use in the coming months. The aim is clearly to ensure that no compromises have to be made with the electric model, neither in terms of use nor in terms of attachments. The experience gained from the practical use will directly influence the development of the series model.
Heidelberg Sets a Good Example
We have already reported that Heidelberg was the first German city to order an eSwingo 200+. The city hosted the International Conference for Climate Action in May this year and is pursuing a significant number of initiatives in the field of environment and sustainability. For example, the city administration intends to gradually convert its vehicle fleet to zero-emission vehicles. Since mid-September, an eSwingo 200+ has also been contributing to this goal.
Testing the eSwingo 200+’s Endurance: The City of Thun Is Won Over by the Electric Sweeper
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I’m saving 158 kg of CO₂ every day. How about you?
The eSwingo 200⁺electric sweeper at work during the International Conference on Climate Action
Heidelberg welcomes its first eSwingo 200+
The City Cleaning Department puts its trust in Schmidt's electric sweeper.
Aebi EC170 in use in the Vineyard
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Schmidt launches first fully electric Sweeper
PREMIERE OF ESWINGO 200+ AT IFAT 2018 Not only does the eSwingo 200+ clean up perfectly, but it is also clean itself. The new compact sweeper from Schmidt operates entirely on electric power without generating any emissions, making it not just one of the cleanest compact sweepers available on the market but also one of the most cost-competitive. Over its life cycle, the costs of the eSwingo 200+ are on par with those of the diesel version, thanks to lower energy and maintenance costs and a longer amortisation period. So, not only does the eSwingo 200+ benefit the environment, it also benefits the bottom line. The ASH Group has developed the Generation E concept to offer both municipal authorities and private service providers not only sustainable cutting-edge technology, but also an inclusive package covering all the service, maintenance and performance needs of the new all-electric model. Examples include a compatible charging station with a monitoring function; a GPS-based telematics solution to boost performance and optimise route planning; and expert advice on all aspects of infrastructure, energy demand, maintenance concepts and fleet set-up. Customers don’t need to worry about battery life as all battery servicing and diagnostics are provided by the ASH Group, while any used batteries can be returned and recycled free of charge. The new eSwingo 200+ will make its first public appearance from 14 – 18 May 2018 at the IFAT trade fair in Munich on the ASH Group stand in the open-air section 709/15.
ASH Group at Galabau
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Consejo de Distrito de South Cambs: El funcionamiento eléctrico reduce la fatiga del conductor
Aebi Schmidt y South Cambs District Council's Fleet and Asset Management mantienen una excelente relación desde hace casi 25 años. El distrito ha estado a la vanguardia de las iniciativas medioambientales, y nuestra barredora compacta eSwingo encaja perfectamente con sus ambicione. Además, su conductor confirma lo menos cansado que está al final de un turno en una eSwingo.
Extraordinariamente innovadora - La Schmidt eCleango 550 gana el Premio Alemán a la Innovación 2024
La Schmidt eCleango 550 ha sido galardonada como "Ganadora" en la categoría "Excelencia en Business to Business - Tecnologías de Automoción" del Premio Alemán a la Innovación 2024. El jurado de expertos quedó especialmente impresionado por la batería modular de alto voltaje y el moderno diseño de la cabina del conductor.
Seattle’s Department of Transportation Moving Toward Zero Emissions
As part of its overall goal to replace carbon emitting vehicles with zero-emission alternatives, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) chose the Schmidt eSwingo 200⁺ for its eBroomer Pilot Program. The eSwingo 200⁺, a fully electric compact sweeper was chosen for the test because of its ability to sweep the city’s protected bike lanes (PBL), which are 5 feet wide. Seattle’s electrification pilot program began in 2023 and will run through 2024, giving the city the opportunity to test a variety of electric vehicle equipment.
Did you miss the Demo Days? No problem.
At the Demo Days, Aebi Schmidt presented the latest innovations, developments and solutions in the area of airport, sweeping, municipal technology, winter maintenance and more - online and live during two days. Did you miss the presentations? No problem, you can review the recordings of the presentations whenever convenient for you.
The Aebi eVT 450 eagerly awaits the snow
As we have previously reported, we are currently working with the town of Burgdorf, Switzerland, to test the suitability of our eVT 450 prototypes for everyday use. Our claim for the vehicles when they eventually enter series production is that no compromises need to be made in their use or when it comes to attachments and mounted equipment on the electric model. Find out how it’s been going so far.
Denmark Goes Green: Takeaways from Have&Landskab
Have&Landskab in Slagelse (DK), Scandinavia’s largest garden and landscape fair, took place from August 25 to 17, 2021 and attracted around 10,220 visitors despite the pandemic-related circumstances. The fair is aimed at professionals in the design, construction and maintenance of streets, parks and other green spaces. Jesper Buch, Manager Sales & Service Aebi Schmidt Denmark, reports on his experience at the fair.
New Vehicles and a Special Mission - in Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Lithuania and Sweden
In the past weeks, the daily business continued in many cities, communities and also at airports, even under difficult conditions. In some places, Swingo, eSwingo, Cleango, SK 660 and TJS are ensuring that everyday tasks can now be performed even more efficiently. Here are four examples and one report on a special mission.
eSwingo 200+ improves Performance also at Airports
Düsseldorf Airport tested the fully electric eSwingo 200⁺ for around a week. Thanks to the positive results, there are now plans to purchase a machine. The airport wrote in its press release: «Electric Mobility is an important element in Düsseldorf Airport’s sustainability strategy.» But a compact sweeper at the airport? We asked the airport managers to explain what role the machine can play in an environment that is generally dominated by large sweepers.
Update: eSwingo goes Thun – watch our video about the 191km journey of the electric sweeper eSwingo 200+
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Successful collaboration between two experts – electrifying e-Transporter enjoys world premiere in stoos
Stoos/Schwyz, April 17, 2019 — At 1,305 meters above sea level in the car-free Swiss village of Stoos, the future is underway. All eyes were on the village when the world’s steepest funicular was opened there in December 2017, and now it is the venue of another small world premiere with great potential, as Aebi celebrates the first Aebi Transporter fitted with a fully electric drive.
Pioneering Sustainability – The City of Thum puts its trust in the sSwingo 200+
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Schmidt eSwingo 200+
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Swingoing & Going!
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Intelligent Technology that thinks for you
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