Nederlandse Ministerie van Defensie voegt 81 Aebi Schmidt wintermachines toe aan hun vloot

Het Ministerie van Defensie heeft 81 machines toegevoegd aan hun wintervloot om te voldoen aan de wettelijke eisen om de vliegvelden van Leeuwarden, Volkel, Eindhoven, Gilze-Rijen, Woensdrecht en De Kooy in Nederland in de winter toegankelijk en veilig te houden.

Military Airports in France – More efficient. More innovative. More Sustainable.

A new era of winter maintenance is beginning for the French Air Force. At French military airports, it was common practice for a long time for the superseded engines from the old Mirage to be used for snow-clearance purposes. These engines from the fighter aircraft were fitted onto a special truck and this was the method used to blow the snow off the runways with a huge blast of hot air. Following an in-depth review of the old fleet, the representatives from the French Air Force decided that the winter maintenance equipment urgently needed to be upgraded to the latest technology.

Manual or autonomous Driving

THE AUTONOMOUS DRIVING OPTION OF THE AEBI TERRATRAC SETS NEW STANDARDS 2016 marks not only the 40th anniversary of the Aebi Terratrac but also an innovation in the class of double-axle implement carriers. At the GaLaBau held in Nuremberg from 14 to 17 September, Aebi will be presenting the Terratrac with the “autonomous driving” option, setting new standards in terms of flexibility, economic efficiency and safety.