De kleine Swenson schuurmachine die kon

Er was eens een Swenson trottoirschuurmachine die ergens in de jaren 1950 of 1960 werd verkocht aan een plaatselijk bedrijf. Oudere trottoirschuurmachines werden door een tractor getrokken en gebruikt om trottoirs in de winter te strooien met zout of zand. Hij deed zijn werk goed.

Swenson: Technology Leader and First Choice of North American Municipalities

For over 85 years Swenson has been building the winter maintenance equipment that states, cities and municipalities depend on to keep their roads safe, so that their economies keep moving during the winter months. As the technology leader, Swenson currently introduces itself with a new commercial as first choice for municipalities interested in more profitable and ecological winter maintenance.

Swenson news clip on WIFR

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ASH Group Aquires North American Snow and Ice Management Equipment Producers

The ASH Group entered into a Purchase Agreement to acquire all of the interests of two North American snow and ice management equipment producers, Meyer Products LLC and Swenson Spreader LLC. Both companies are owned by the Louis Berkman Work Products Company LLC, Steubenville, Ohio and the transaction is expected to be closed by the end of September 2015. Both companies will provide the ASH Group with a very significant footprint in the important North American snow and ice management market.